Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Think Ahead!

From today's devotional 

Each of us has been placed in the tempting position of compromising our integrity in order to get ahead in life. A little white lie that will tilt the tables in our favor. A mistake benefiting us... that we fail to mention. Opportunities abound for us to sacrifice today's integrity for potential personal gain. But the Psalmist says something here that we need to stop and consider. 

He tells us that it's the blameless and upright man who will have a future filled with peace. In other words, what we do today-the decisions and choices we make here and now-will determine our tomorrow. And it's those who hold onto their integrity in the present, those who don't cave in to compromise, who can expect a fulfilling future. If only we lived by this principle more often! 

Too often we look to see where our footing is in the here and now without taking into account whether our steps are trending up or down in the long run. Know this: No matter how low they may seem compared to others, the upright's steps are always trending up. And in the end, God promises the person of integrity a future that will far surpass anything that could ever be acquired dishonestly or deceitfully.

Live with this principle in mind. Don't sacrifice today's integrity for tomorrow's peace. Make sure your steps are blameless and upright, and entrust the Lord to take care of your future.

Dear God, please help us to think ahead when it comes to the choices we make. Open our eyes to see past the temptations of the here and now, and help us to do the right thing today.

God promises the person of integrity a future that will far surpass anything that could ever be acquired dishonestly or deceitfully.

Think About It...

What does this passage reveal to me about God?

What does this passage reveal to me about myself? 

Based on this, what changes do I need to make?

What is my prayer for today?