From today's devotional
During the days of the Old Testament, in the times when the Psalms were being written and recorded, there was a definite trend among the gods of the ancient world. It basically worked like this: A particular god or idol was dominant in a certain region, but it was only dominant in that given region. In other words, the gods of the nations around Israel were localized... confined to borders in which they were concocted and created. So it's a very dramatic and sweeping statement that David makes here when he declares that he would cry out to the God of Israel "from the end of the earth."
This went against the grain because it meant that his God was not localized or confined to any particular place. He was everywhere at once... universally available and accessible. We tend to take universal accessibility for granted these days. It's a tenant of our faith that's been grandfathered into our theology. God is everywhere all at once. But stop a moment to appreciate it. You don't have to make a pilgrimage to a particular place to pray. You're not limited to living in a certain state, country, continent, or even hemisphere! No matter where you're at on this planet, God is always within range.
Unlimited access. Universal availability. What an unfathomable blessing we've been given! To think that there's not a single spot we can be in, not an inch on earth, where God can't hear our hearts with perfect clarity. In life, there are many sacrifices we're forced to make, but we'll never be forced to sacrifice our communication with God for our location in this world.
Creator of the ends of the earth... thank you for being everywhere and for hearing our hearts from anywhere. No matter where you're at on this planet, God is always within range. Providing unlimited access.
Think About It...
What does this passage reveal to me about God?
What does this passage reveal to me about myself?
Based on this, what changes do I need to make?
What is my prayer for today?