From today's devotional
Acts 2.1-47
Have you ever thought about this Bible book’s title: “The Acts of the Apostles”? These men and women were weak and imperfect human beings just like we are; some even smelled of fish! Yet, the book of Acts records how Jesus’ earliest followers, through the help of the Holy Spirit, spread the good news about Jesus everywhere—to Jews and Gentiles!
When reading the exploits of the apostles, we sometimes think of them as superheroes. We may even make them super saints, elevating them to a level far beyond anything we could ever attain, enjoy, or experience. But God is no respecter of persons! It was not their cleverness, intellectual prowess, or administrative genius that caused them to be successful in leading people a world away with the good news of Jesus; it was the awesome power of the Holy Spirit working in and through them. Today, that same indwelling Spirit is now ready to express Christ’s love, grace, and power through every yielded believer.
Acts chapter 2 presents the apostolic church pattern for spiritual power in which we honor the work of the Holy Spirit. The life of the Church and the believer depends on the Holy Spirit within them. God says, “Don’t depend on your own power or strength, but on my Spirit” (Zechariah 4.6b). Such a pattern also points out that we are to know the Scriptures. True faith is built on the unchanging, never-failing Word of God. Know it and believe it! We find that the apostles were willing to experience the love and strength of New Testament fellowship, as they moved from house to house and in the temple. We have no power apart from God and we are to remember Calvary and the price that Jesus paid to grant us access into his family. Finally, the Church finds its power in praying always— in all places, for all people, and with all patience. We must never stop talking to God and obeying God’s Word.
The Church was birthed when the Holy Spirit, promised by Christ, was poured into the lives of 120 believers (vv 1-4). The result was an explosion of the gospel—empowered believers and a vibrant, growing Christian community attracting the lost with a Christ-centered message of hope and a lifestyle of compassion (vv 42-47).