Thursday, May 28, 2015


From today's devotional 

Acts 9.1-43

Before Saul’s conversion, his quest for fulfillment of his purpose drove him to persecute Jesus’ followers relentlessly. Armed with a strong belief in his mission, this young man had an overarching need to satisfy his passion. Saul – his name before his conversion when it was changed to Paul – was not only a Jewish scholar but also a devout Pharisee who was determined to kill those who left traditional Judaism and followed the teachings of Jesus.

What a joy to know that the story did not end there. While on his way to Damascus, through the grace of a loving God, Saul’s journey led him to meet the God he was persecuting. This encounter on the Damascus road was no ordinary meeting, but a blinding experience by the supernatural God who had a purpose for Saul’s life. Saul’s miraculous conversion led him to embrace his new destiny and his new name. His journey into ministry began immediately with a passion far greater than he had at first!

Not only does Saul experience a dramatic change, but we also find a changed Peter, who before Pentecost was timid, faithless, and uncertain of his commitment to Christ. Peter is now filled with the Spirit, preaching, teaching, healing the sick, and even supernaturally raising a woman from the dead. Oh the joy of knowing your purpose and walking in it with bold, passionate confidence!