Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Creation

From today's devotional

Just as we owe our natural existence to the Creator’s spoken word and life-giving breath, so we owe our spiritual existence to the power of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s activation of its power. God’s intent for our created being is completely fulfilled only when our spirits are alive toward Him. This text tells us that the “seed” that has produced new life in us is the Word of God, which has begotten us by the Holy Spirit’s power and made us members of God’s new creation. That new creation is an ongoing phenomenon in each of our lives. And the power of God’s Word is in no way more manifest than in this: its power to bring spiritual life to all who are open to its truth in every area of life. 

Is there an area in our lives that seems lifeless or stagnant? Let us allow the Holy Spirit to plant the “seed” of the Word in that realm of our life and then watch as His life flows anew through us.