Saturday, November 23, 2013

Keep It Real

From today's devotional

I remember years ago the popular song "Come Just as You Are" was played during altar calls every Sunday at my church. Every time I heard that song, a sense of relief would wash over me.

I always wished this song was performed early in the service. For years I felt as though I had to "dress up" for church. I don't simply mean my clothing, (the minimum requirement for my church was a three-piece suit-and when you're fourteen years old that's kind of tough!) but also my spiritual life. I had made mistakes throughout the week. I couldn't let God see that, especially not in His house. So I would sit there, squirming uncomfortably, trying to put on a pure and holy face so I could look super spiritual for all the good Christians in their long dresses and suits and ties.

Thinking back, I realize there were so many times during worship that I missed God-not because He wasn't there, but because I wasn't being real. I struggled for the longest time with the idea that Christ would want me. I didn't understand the full measure of the sacrifice He made for me at the Cross. I thought that if I was honest with Him about my shortcomings, He would be disappointed or upset with me. The sad thing is that all He really wanted was my confession and repentance-not my pleated pants or my smug holy face.

This week, don't play church. Don't hide, and don't fake it. Be honest and confess your sins to Him. The Bible says that while we were still sinners, Christ loved us and died for us. When confronted with that reality, no matter where we find ourselves, we cannot help but worship!

-Andrew Strickland

Worship Leader, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale

For years I felt as though I had to "dress up" for church, both physically and spiritually. Thinking back, I realize there were so many times during worship that I missed God-not because He wasn't there, but because I wasn't being real. This week, don't play church. Don't hide, and don't fake it. Be honest and confess your sins to Him. The Bible says that while we were still sinners, Christ loved us and died for us. When confronted with that reality, no matter where we find ourselves, we cannot help but worship!

Think about it...

What does this passage reveal to me about God?

What does this passage reveal to me about myself?

Based on this, what changes do I need to make?

What is my prayer for today?