Thursday, November 28, 2013


From today's devotional

Have you ever given a gift to someone who didn't seem the least bit thankful or grateful? Sometimes young children will even cast the gift aside and look for the next one to open! When the recipient doesn't show gratitude or appreciation, they are ignoring the sacrifice and love the giver offered through the gift.

That's why we are called to enter His presence with thanksgiving. Worship begins when we offer thanks for the gift God has given us-eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23). Before a note is played or a word is sung, when we remember that God has taken our death and given us life, our hearts can't help but be filled with grateful praises to the Giver.

It's so important to remember God doesn't simply want our songs. As we study scripture, it's clear that our offering of worship is inseparable from our attitude. From the story of Cain and Abel to the book of Revelation, we are called to be full of gratitude and thanksgiving to God as we worship. Why is that?

The "why" is rooted in this truth: God wants our heart as well as our actions. When scripture calls us to give thanks to God, it requires an adjustment to our perspective. This adjustment happens through a biblical attitude of worship. No matter what our circumstances, we can come before God and begin our worship by embracing a spirit of thanksgiving. When we begin worship by saying thank you, we acknowledge the gracious gift God has given us and our hearts join heaven's song!

-Andrew Wooddell

Worship Leader, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale

It's so important to remember God doesn't simply want our songs. As we study scripture, it's clear that our offering of worship is inseparable from our attitude. God wants our heart as well as our actions. When scripture calls us to give thanks to God, it requires an adjustment to our perspective. This adjustment happens through a biblical attitude of worship. No matter what our circumstances, we can come before God and begin our worship by embracing a spirit of thanksgiving. When we begin worship by saying thank you, we acknowledge the gracious gift God has given us and our hearts join heaven's song!

Think about it...

What does this passage reveal to me about God?

What does this passage reveal to me about myself?

Based on this, what changes do I need to make?

What is my prayer for today?