From today's devotional
The “it” Paul’s words in our text refer to is the cross. The cross of Christ is the sole instrument for humanity’s salvation and deliverance and the sole power for breaking hell’s works and operations. First Corinthians 2:7, 8 confirms this truth, showing how God’s wisdom through the blood and death of His Son completely confounded the strategies of hell. They have never recovered, nor will they ever recover!
These words are such a holy and healthy reminder to all of us who want and welcome the fullness of the Holy Spirit to make Christ’s kingdom power effective in and through our lives today. They point to the place from which “all power” flows. For just as Jesus is the Person to whom, through whom and from whom all God’s power flows, so His cross is the place—the foundational accomplishment which releases all power to all mankind.
This is holy territory. It’s where salvation’s price was paid and where sin’s penalty was broken. The cross is also where hell was “made a spectacle of,” and “it”—the cross—has become the sign by which we conquer. As the old hymn asks, “Are you living in the shadow of the Cross." Let’s answer, “Amen!”