Today we had 3 testimonies that were moving to our church. I have been teaching on a series called "Tri God" that takes us deeper into the Trinity. The Trinity is the foundation to the Christian Faith. Many people that don't understand the Trinity will say, "How can you believe in one God yet have the Trinity? Aren't there 3 Gods if each are fully God? That is a contradiction!!!!!" No, a contradiction is "There is one God, there is not one God." That is a contradiction! The Trinity is a wholly mystery that is seen from Genesis through the book of Revelation.
The Bible says that we were tethered to the Trinity at creation (Gen. 1:26). We had a connectivity, a linkage with the triune God. But when Adam and Eve sinned, that sin cut the tether. Our sin has cut us off from God, who is completely righteous and perfect. “For all have sinned, (all of us have cut the tether) and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
Have you ever wondered why so many people feel disconnected? Have you ever wondered why so many people bounce around through life? Have you ever wondered why so many people try to tether themselves to a relationship, to intellect, to success, to money, to the things of this world? It’s because they are not tethered to the Trinity. We are built to be tethered to the Trinity. Yet, because of our rebellion, we turn away from God and try to tether ourselves to other things. Thus, living a disconnected, fragmented and out of control life. What is the solution to this disconnectedness? Simply, we need to be tethered back to the Trinity. Maybe you are feeling disconnected. Maybe you feel like you have been bouncing around from this deal to that deal, from this thrill to that thrill, from one relationship to another. But none of those things bring satisfaction or real connectedness.
Colossians 1:19-20 says, “For God was pleased to have all of his fullness dwell in him and through him to reconcile to himself all things by making peace through his blood shed on the cross.”
God knew that we could do nothing to tether ourselves back to the Trinity. So the Trinity, God in three persons, literally triple teamed us. The Father planned the work. The Son worked the plan and the Spirit actualizes the plan and the work. That’s Team Trinity. The Father's plan was to send God the Son to die on a Roman cross for our sins, in order to reconcile us, to tether us back, to himself. When Christ ascended into heaven, God the Spirit came after him to bring the Father’s plan and the Son’s work into realization. The Spirit convicts us of sin and he draws us to Christ, and then he lives as a power source inside of all those who place their trust in the Son. When we are tethered back to the Trinity, we can know what it means to be connected, to have true peace and freedom in this one and only life. The bottom line, though, is that we have the freedom to choose. We have the freedom to either receive this, or not; freedom to either be tethered back to the Trinity, or not.
Revelation 22:17 says, “Whoever wishes let him take the free gift of water of life.” Find the connection your heart has been longing for by accepting God’s free gift today.
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