If you are like me, I love to study to find out truth. As a Christian, I believe that all truth comes from God. We as Christians should NEVER fear truth. Many people think that the only thing Christians have to hang their hat on is faith. Faith is the key to heaven and our belief for eternity. However, truth is very important to the Christian belief. As a pastor, I have heard the same thing from evolutionist and/or atheists and that is truth is on their side. That everything they believe is totally based on facts and truth. (by the way, when you believe in something, anything that takes “ssssshhhhh” don’t let them see this but it takes faith to believe in nothing or evolution)
We as Christians should not only know what we believe but we should not fear studying and understanding critics to God as creator and maker of everything (Intelligent Design). I want to encourage everyone to go and view a new documentary movie called “EXPELLED”. Many of you may remember FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF where Ben Stein played Ferris Bueller’s teacher and his famous line was, “Buuuuueller, Buuuuueller”. Ben Stein has made a movie to expose many problems with academia in our school’s curriculum.
Parents that have college age students should go together and view this movie to see what our colleges and universities are teaching our kids. Truth and facts against Darwinism are not allowed in the classroom; don’t criticize or raise any questions, and creationism is not even allowed to be brought up to study side by side.
From time to time I here things like “there no evidence for that” as if lack of evidence is evidence in itself. Well that’s not the case. Living in our age has great truths or evidences uncovered by archeology looking into our many galaxies everyday that point to an intelligent design and many more scientists are moving away from an evolutionary hypothesis.
Truth is great and we need not fear truth. So check out this video for more information
We as Christians should not only know what we believe but we should not fear studying and understanding critics to God as creator and maker of everything (Intelligent Design). I want to encourage everyone to go and view a new documentary movie called “EXPELLED”. Many of you may remember FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF where Ben Stein played Ferris Bueller’s teacher and his famous line was, “Buuuuueller, Buuuuueller”. Ben Stein has made a movie to expose many problems with academia in our school’s curriculum.
Parents that have college age students should go together and view this movie to see what our colleges and universities are teaching our kids. Truth and facts against Darwinism are not allowed in the classroom; don’t criticize or raise any questions, and creationism is not even allowed to be brought up to study side by side.
From time to time I here things like “there no evidence for that” as if lack of evidence is evidence in itself. Well that’s not the case. Living in our age has great truths or evidences uncovered by archeology looking into our many galaxies everyday that point to an intelligent design and many more scientists are moving away from an evolutionary hypothesis.
Truth is great and we need not fear truth. So check out this video for more information