Friday, November 29, 2013


From today's devotional

The psalmist declares a foundational truth in worship to all those who are listening: Remember! Throughout the Old Testament, the people of Israel were constantly getting themselves in trouble by forgetting God and what He had done for them. This forgetfulness led directly to idolatry in their hearts, for when they ceased to remember their story, they began searching elsewhere for God.

As we get older, we tend to forget things more often. How many times have you walked into a room and forgotten why you went in there? And what must you then do to remember? You have to go back and retrace your steps and your thought process. God created us, and He understands this part of our humanity. That's why He tells us to remember Him. In stories, in song, in every part of our life, we have to remember our God. We must declare to ourselves and to every generation who He is and what He has done!

And in light of the truth that we remember, we worship. You see, when I remember who I used to be and what He has done in my life to make me a new creation, I respond in joyful worship! When I remember how faithful He has been, even through the seasons of pain, I humbly respond in adoration to Him. When I remember what my Savior faced leading up to the cross, I am broken over my sin and I am grateful for His great mercy.

Take time today to remember. Stop and think about who God is. Adore Him for His very nature of holiness and grace, and pause long enough to reflect on how faithful He has been in your life. I promise that as you begin to remember, your entire being will begin to worship God!

-Andrew Wooddell

Worship Leader, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale

As we get older, we tend to forget things more often. Take time today to remember God's goodness.Stop and think about who God is. Adore Him for His very nature of holiness and grace, and pause long enough to reflect on how faithful He has been in your life. I promise that as you begin to remember, your entire being will begin to worship God! 

Think about it...

What does this passage reveal to me about God?

What does this passage reveal to me about myself?

Based on this, what changes do I need to make?

What is my prayer for today?