“Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, and that my life is fleeing away. My life is no longer than the width of my hand. An entire lifetime is just a moment to you; human existence is but a breath.” Psalms 39:4-5 NLT
As you think through how you are going to spend your last 30 days, one of the first steps is to begin living in the moment.
So what is the one thing you’d do? Can you narrow down what’s most important to you or what you are most passionate about to one phrase? Take some time to ponder that idea and you might surprise yourself. Now, it’s time to take action – don’t wait until your last 30 days to make an impact.
We began last Sunday to hear stories of brave people who are living with life-threatening illnesses. Listen to their stories online and see how your perspective is changed. Then, do something- take action today to live like as though you're facing your last 30 days.
Staci’s Story
Staci McAuley is thirty-nine years old, but more than likely she won’t see her forty-fifth birthday. Her battle with cancer has given her a limited time to live. Even though her days are numbered according to the doctors, she is still living life to the fullest every single moment. Her passion for Christ is contagious. She inspired us to embrace every God-given moment.
The second consideration to make as you think through your last 30 days is living for eternity.
Stop spending your time focusing on things that don’t matter and ignoring the things that do. It is most important for us to spend our time seeking things and investing our time in things that last forever. Don’t waste another moment on things that have no eternal impact… only you can make the change to start living for the right things today!
Stop spending your time focusing on things that don’t matter and ignoring the things that do. It is most important for us to spend our time seeking things and investing our time in things that last forever. Don’t waste another moment on things that have no eternal impact… only you can make the change to start living for the right things today!
Here are some ideas to help you begin to live for eternity:
1. Simplify your life so that you spend your time on things that truly matter:
Spouse and family
Spouse and family
Key relationships
Things that give you true pleasure
2. Ask yourself whether or not you’re spending your time accordingly:
Make a list
Make a list
Have someone hold you accountable
Have a family/personal vision
3. Ask yourself whether your actions line up with your words:
Have friends tell you what they see as your priorities
Have friends tell you what they see as your priorities
4. Take a bold stand and reach out to those around you that don’t know Christ:
Your co-workers
Your family
Your classmates