Monday, March 31, 2014
Psalms 139:23, 24 NLT
Open To God's Surgery
From today's devotional
David asked God to search for sin and point it out, even to the level of testing his thoughts. This is exploratory surgery for sin. How are we to recognize sin unless God points it out? Then, when God shows us, we can repent and be forgiven. Make this verse your prayer. If you ask the Lord to search your heart and your thoughts, and to reveal your sin, you will be continuing on God's "path of everlasting life."
James 1:12 NLT
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Psalms 138:8 NLT
Plans and Dreams
From today's devotional
Every person dreams and makes plans for the future. Then they work hard to see those dreams and plans come true. But to make the most of life, we must include God's plan in our plans. He alone knows what is best for us; he alone can fulfill his purpose for us. As you make plans and dream dreams, talk with God about them.
John 14:21 NLT
(Jesus) Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me. And because they love me, my Father will love them. And I will love them and reveal myself to each of them.” (John 14:21 NLT)
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Psalms 130:3, 4 NLT
Breaking Down the Wall
From today's devotional
Keeping a record of sins (or holding a grudge) is like building a wall between you and another person, and it is nearly impossible to talk openly while the wall is there. God doesn't keep a record of our sins; when he forgives, he forgives completely, tearing down any wall between us and him. Therefore, we fear (revere) God, yet we can talk to him about anything. When you pray, realize that God is holding nothing against you. His lines of communication are completely open.
Galatians 5:22, 23 NLT
Friday, March 28, 2014
Psalms 127:2 NLT
Balance Work and Life
From today's devotional
God is not against human effort. Hard work honors God. But working to the exclusion of rest or to the neglect of family may be a cover-up for an inability to trust God to provide for our needs. We all need adequate rest and times of spiritual refreshment. On the other hand, this verse is not an excuse to be lazy. Be careful to maintain a balance: work while trusting God, and also rest while trusting him.
Isaiah 40:31 NLT
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Psalms 122:1 NLT
From today's devotional
Going to God's house can be a chore or a delight. For the psalmist, it was a delight. As a pilgrim attending one of the three great religious festivals, he rejoiced to worship with God's people in God's house. We may find worship a chore if we have unconfessed sin or if our love for God has cooled. But if we are close to God and enjoy his presence, we will be eager to worship and praise him. Our attitude toward God will determine our view of worship.
Hebrews 11:6 NLT
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Psalms 119:165 NLT
Great Peace
From today's devotional
Modern society longs for peace of mind. Here is clear-cut instruction on how to attain this: if we love God and obey his laws, we will have "great peace." Trust in God, who alone stands above the pressures of daily life and gives us full assurance.
Psalms 119:93 NLT
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Psalms 119:125 NLT
The Bible Is A Prescription
From today's devotional
The psalmist asked God for discernment. Faith comes alive when we apply Scripture to our daily tasks and concerns. We need discernment so we can understand, and we need the desire to apply Scripture where we need help. The Bible is like medicine-it goes to work only when we apply it to the affected areas. As you read the Bible, be alert for lessons, commands, or examples that you can put into practice.
Psalms 84:10 NLT
Monday, March 24, 2014
Psalms 119:105 NLT
The Bible As A Flashlight
From today's devotional
To walk safely in the woods at night we need a light so we don't trip over tree roots or fall into holes. In this life, we walk through a dark forest of evil. But the Bible can be our light to show us the way ahead so we won't stumble as we walk. It reveals the entangling roots of false values and philosophies. Study the Bible so you will be able to see your way clear enough to stay on the right path.
John 1:9 NLT
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Psalms 119:27, 28 NLT
God's Lesson Book
From today's devotional
Our lives are cluttered with rule books, but the authors never come with us to help us follow the rules. But God does. That is the uniqueness of our Bible. God not only provides the rules and guidelines, but comes with us personally each day to strengthen us so that we can live according to those rules. All we must do is invite him and respond to his direction.
Ephesians 6:10, 11 NLT
Saturday, March 22, 2014
How Do We Stay Pure In A Filthy Environment?
From today's devotion
We are drowning in a sea of impurity. Everywhere we look we find temptation to lead impure lives. The psalmist asked a question that troubles us all: How do we stay pure in a filthy environment? We cannot do this on our own, but must have counsel and strength more dynamic than the tempting influences around us. Where can we find that strength and wisdom? By reading God's Word and doing what it says.
Revelation 3:20 NLT
(Jesus) Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. (Revelation 3:20 NLT)
Friday, March 21, 2014
Psalms 118:24 NLT
Tell God How You Truly Feel
From today's devotional
There are days when the last thing we want to do is rejoice. Our mood is down, our situation is out of hand, and our sorrow or guilt is overwhelming. We can relate to the writers of the psalms who often felt this way. But no matter how low the psalmists felt, they were always honest with God. And as they talked to God, their prayers ended in praise. When you don't feel like rejoicing, tell God how you truly feel. You will find that God will give you a reason to rejoice. God has given you this day to live and to serve him-be glad!
Galatians 5:13 NLT
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Psalms 117:1, 2 NLT
What Has God Done For You Lately?
From today's devotional
Have you ever said, "I can't think of anything God has done for me. How can I praise him?" This psalm gives two reasons for praising God: His great love toward us, and His faithfulness that endures forever. If He did nothing else for us, He would still be worthy of our highest praise.
1 Timothy 4:8 NLT
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Psalms 116:1, 2 NLT
God Is Listening
From today's devotional
God is so responsive that you can always reach him. He bends down and listens to your voice. This writer's love for the Lord had grown because he had experienced answers to his prayers. If you are discouraged, remember that God is near, listening carefully to every prayer and answering each prayer in order to give you his best.
John 14:23 NLT
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Psalms 115:1 NLT
God's Name
From today's devotional
The psalmist asked that God's name, not the nation's, be glorified. Too often we ask God to glorify his name with ours. For example, we may pray for help to do a good job so that our work will be noticed. Or we may ask that a presentation go well so we will get applause. There is nothing wrong with looking good or impressing others; the problem comes when we want to look good no matter what happens to God's reputation in the process. Before you pray, ask yourself, "Who will get the credit if God answers my prayer?"
Colossians 1:28 NLT
Monday, March 17, 2014
Psalms 112:5 NLT
From today's devotional
Generosity will cure two problems that money can create. The rich man may abuse others in his desire to accumulate wealth. Generosity will eliminate that abuse. Also, the fear of losing money can be a snare. Generosity and respect for God places our trust in him, not our money, for justice and security.
Philippians 4:9 NLT
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Psalms 109:4 NLT
I (David) love them, but they try to destroy me with accusations even as I am praying for them! (Psalms 109:4 NLT)
Being Slandered
From today's devotional
David was angry at being attacked by evil people who slandered him and lied. Yet David remained a friend and a man of prayer. While we must hate evil and work to overcome it, we must love everyone, including those who do evil, because God loves them. We are called to hate the sin, but love the person. Only through God's strength will we be able to follow David's example.
James 3:13 NLT
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Psalms 108:13 NLT
Don't Forget Victory
From today's devotional
Do our prayers end with requests for help to make it through stressful situations? David prayed not merely for rescue, but for victory. With God's help we can claim more than mere survival-we can claim victory! Look for ways God can use your distress as an opportunity to show his mighty power.